Business Practice 5: Strategic and Tactical Plans: The Compass and Map of Your Business Journey

In the epic saga of business success, a clear and decisive strategy is the North Star guiding your ship through the vast and often tumultuous sea of industry. However, just as a captain needs both a distant star and an accurate map to navigate, so too must a business leader balance longer-term strategic plans with shorter-term tactical ones. The fifth criterion of the seven key principles of business success pertains to this vital juxtaposition: crafting Strategic and Tactical Plans.

The landscape of business has always been challenging and ever-changing. This truth rings loud and clear when we consider the longevity of the companies listed in the S&P 500 – only a small fraction of whom have weathered the storms of time and change. To join the ranks of these survivors, the careful orchestration of strategies and tactics becomes an indispensable tool for the modern business leader.

Strategic Planning: Defining the Destination

Long-term strategic planning sets the direction for your business. It essentially answers the question, “where do we want to go?” A strategic plan encompasses the company’s mission and vision, identifies the overall goals, and outlines the steps necessary to achieve them. This plan serves as the business’s compass, providing direction and focus.

The development of a strategic plan should consider several elements such as the company’s strengths and weaknesses, market trends, competitive landscape, and potential opportunities and threats. It should also establish a competitive advantage or a ‘Reason To Be’, and align with the organizational structure and culture.

Tactical Planning: The Roadmap to Success

While strategic planning defines the direction, tactical planning presents the specific steps needed to reach the destination. It focuses on the actions required in the near term to support the strategic objectives.

Tactical plans are the practical aspects of the strategy, which guide day-to-day operations and decisions. They include concrete tasks, timelines, and resource allocation necessary for executing the strategy. For instance, if a strategic goal is to expand to a new market, a tactical plan could include steps like market research, developing new marketing campaigns, or modifying the product to meet the new market’s needs.

Synchronizing Strategy and Tactics

The magic happens when your strategic and tactical plans work in harmony. Together, they create a powerful synergy that aligns the broader vision with the daily operations. The strategy serves as the compass providing the direction, while tactics are the roadmap that guides the journey.

Successful leaders understand this synergy and ensure that every tactical decision supports the strategic plan. On the other hand, they also reassess and modify the strategy based on the realities and results of

tactical execution. This continuous loop of planning, executing, evaluating, and adjusting is what keeps a business nimble and poised for success.

Navigating Change: Adaptability is Key

Lastly, it’s vital to understand that these plans aren’t set in stone. The only constant in business is change. Whether it’s changes in the market, competition, or internal operations, your plans must be flexible enough to adapt.

Business leaders should foster an organizational culture that is not just capable of adapting quickly but also thrives on change. An agile mindset ensures that your business stays ahead of the curve, ready to seize opportunities that change presents.


In summary, strategic and tactical planning plays an instrumental role in business success. It involves balancing the broader vision of the organization with immediate needs and realities. As we navigate this complex process, it’s crucial to remember that adaptability is equally as important as planning. As we continue our journey exploring the seven critical criteria for business success, our next stop will be to examine financial and operational performance objectives and their essential role in measuring and adjusting our progress. So, keep your compass and map ready as we sail onward!


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