Business Practice 4: Building a Team: Assembling Your Business’s Backbone

In our ongoing exploration of the seven criteria for business success, we’ve examined how the right vision, competitive advantage, and organizational plan can lay a strong foundation. It’s time now to turn our attention to one of the most crucial components that breathes life into this foundation – your team.

The lifespan of companies on the S&P 500 – discussed in the introduction to this series of articles — serves as a stark reminder of the relentless and challenging nature of the business landscape. An exceptional team can be the difference between enduring success and becoming a footnote in corporate history.

The Importance of Team Building

Creating your team might be the most daunting yet rewarding task on your path to success. An average business model can often outperform a superior one if driven by an exceptional team. The reason is simple: it’s the people who execute the strategy, drive innovation, and navigate the company through the ever-changing market dynamics.

Evaluating and Selecting People

Evaluating and selecting the right people at all levels of the organization is pivotal. This process is not merely about evaluating candidates’ skills and experience; it’s about their fit within your company’s culture, their alignment with your company’s mission and vision, and their potential for growth and leadership.

Building a team is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. As the business evolves, so should the team. Never lose sight of the need for fresh ideas, perspectives, and skills that new team members can bring. However, while building your team, remember that turnover can be disruptive. Hence, efforts should be made to retain and develop talent.

Fostering a Common Culture

Building a team goes beyond just hiring individuals; it’s about integrating them into a coherent whole with a common culture. This culture should not only align with the company’s mission and vision but also resonate with the team. When people feel connected to the culture, they are more engaged, perform better, and contribute more to the company’s success.

The culture you foster should encourage collaboration, reward innovation, and promote accountability. A strong culture can be your company’s ‘Reason To Be’, setting it apart and giving it a competitive advantage.

Aligning the Team with the Company’s Mission and Vision

Alignment is the magic glue that binds the team together and points them in the same direction. When the team understands and is aligned with the company’s mission and vision, they can collectively contribute to the strategic and tactical plans, ultimately driving success.

Alignment starts from the top. Leaders should consistently communicate the mission and vision, translate them into operational goals, and ensure that every team member understands their role in achieving these goals.

Navigating Change with an Agile Team

Business environments are constantly changing, and a rigid team structure can hinder adaptability. Encourage an agile mindset within the team where change is not feared but embraced as an opportunity for growth and learning.

Successful leaders build teams that are capable of adapting quickly and navigating change effectively. These leaders understand that while the team might occasionally veer off the projected path, they are capable of finding new routes to success.


In summary, a company is only as strong as its team. Building a strong, integrated team that shares a common culture aligned with the company’s mission and vision is indeed a daunting task. But it’s also one of the most rewarding experiences in the journey of business success. As we forge ahead in our series, we will examine the synergy between strategic and tactical planning, providing us with the roadmap to realize our vision, execute our mission, and measure our success. So, keep your team aligned, engaged, and ready for the journey ahead.


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