Former Bumble Bee CEO Chris Lischewski Shares the Secret to Building Your Business’s Backbone with the Right Team

Chris Lischewski, former CEO of Bumble Bee is on a novel expedition with his leadership series on the seven criteria for business success. In the latest installment of our series, Lischewski reveals the mantra of building a strong business backbone through team building.

According to Lischewski, team-building is often overlooked as an essential factor for success. “An average business model can outperform a superior one if led by an exceptional team. It is the people who execute the strategy, drive innovation, and navigate the company through ever-changing market dynamics that deliver organizational success.”

Evaluating and Selecting People 

Choosing the right people at all organizational levels is crucial. Chris Lischewski says that the process goes beyond merely evaluating skills and experience. The hiring team and line managers must evaluate cultural fit, alignment with the company’s mission and vision, and potential for growth and leadership. He says, “Building a team is an ongoing process. As the business evolves, so should the team. Fresh ideas, perspectives, and skills are crucial.”

Building a Common Culture

Building a cohesive team goes beyond recruitment. It requires the integration of the individuals into a unified team with a common belief and culture. This culture must not only resonate with the team, it must also align with the company’s mission and vision.  “When people feel connected to the culture, they are more engaged, perform better, and contribute to the organization’s success.”

Alignment is the magic glue that binds the team and directs them toward common goals. Leaders must consistently communicate the mission and vision, translating them into operational objectives. “When the team understands and aligns with the company’s mission and vision, they collectively drive success,” Lischewski explains.

Navigating Change with an Agile Team

As business environments constantly change and evolve, so must the team. A rigid organizational structure can hurt adaptability. Lischewski emphasizes an agile mindset in the team where change is not feared but embraced as an opportunity for growth and learning.

Chris Lischewski is a prominent leader in the food industry famous for leading successful turnarounds of underperforming companies. His strategic vision, innovative leadership style, and decades of experience in propelling growth in underachieving organizations have led to remarkable turnarounds and success stories. Recently, Lischewski has gleaned his insights into seven success mantras that can help businesses navigate the intricacies of surviving in a VUCA(volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) world.

In this ongoing series, Lischewski discusses the critical importance of building high-performing teams to achieve business success.   He believes that a highly functional management team forms a business’ backbone. He reiterates that the company is only as strong as its team. “Building a strong, integrated team with a common culture aligned to the company’s mission and vision is daunting. But it is also one of the most rewarding experiences in the business success journey.”

Source – Daily Excelsior


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